SEAK Strategies
Cross-functional teams developing & implementing break-through strategies:
New Product Development Process Design and Implementation
The lifeblood of a company is a reliable pathway to new customer offerings. This process must reflect the core competencies of the company and the ability to commercialize new opportunities. The process must be efficient and fast – too often the process takes so long that the window of opportunity for innovation is lost.
Our approach helps clients develop a lean, expedited process that includes strategic analysis of the opportunities with a robust, gated decision-making process. Previous clients saw the time to market reduced by 50% through the application of lean approaches.
Business Function Strategy Development
Aligning functional strategies with an ever-evolving business is a non-stop process. Inherent in the evolution is the tension between effectiveness and efficiency; the function must deliver the on the needs of the business and it must do so in a manner the business can afford. Additionally, many elements of the core business functions are now available through superb third-party providers for whom the work is their core competency. Finally, the rate of change in all aspects of business due to the introduction of robotics and artificial intelligence is manifestly changing the functional service delivery models.
Our approach starts with understanding the business strategy and financial fundamentals. Layered onto this is a review of the business culture and executive readiness for change. Options for organization and service-delivery are created and reviewed for cost and service and change readiness and a layered-strategy is created that bridges the function of today with the function needed by the business tomorrow.
Embedded in the entire process is governance and explicit measures, informing business leaders who will gauge functional performance.
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