Team Education

Education & Development

Formal and informal learning is part of everyone’s personal development. We offer a range of personal, 1:1 coaching and feedback sessions based on discrete topics to 360 feedback to workshop-based learning sessions.

Coaching sessions are led by a certified executive coach and are designed to ensure the ‘coachee’ develops and implements a plan that they believe will increase their performance and job satisfaction.

Example topics covered in workshop settings include:

  • Stakeholder management and communication planning
  • Personal and team effectiveness using MBTI, HBDI and TKI
  • Strategic analysis using a broad range of business and function-based analysis tools
  • Project planning

Our workshops are highly interactive and intense learning experiences. Participants are engaged throughout and leave ready to raise their personal performance to a higher standard.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Please send us your name & email address. We will contact you quickly. (Be assured, we respect your privacy and do NOT give your contact information to any outside source!)

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